Fabric Recycling/Repurposing
Cleaning out your sewing room? Have what-was-I-thinking quilting fabric that you'll never use? Wondering how to recycle that bag of scraps? Don't throw these things away - find a new purpose for them!
- Nimble Fingers takes donations of fabric (clean and odor-free, of course), sewing notions, and gently used equipment to use for making service projects or to sell at our annual yard sale. Contact Kathy Torg at Quilting4Others.
- Contact member Annette Montone for fabric scraps that are at least 6 inches square.
- Project B Green, an organization that supports many local 501 (c)(3) charities, accepts fabric.
- Last resort? The Montgomery County Transfer Station has bins for used clothing and fabric scraps in the parking lot for Electronic Recycling. Put clothing and scraps in separate plastic bags.